Dataset of Displacement Locations

The Dataset of Displacement Locations (UNHCR) data is a global dataset from the UNHCR Operational Data Systems and Support section (ODSS), previously the Field Information and Coordination Support Section (FICSS). This dataset encompasses the universe of refugee, returnee, IDP, and asylum seeker locations that the UNHCR is aware of (even if they are not actively working in these locations), and it includes historic and currently open sites. The earliest recorded locations are from 1966, and the data was last updated by ODSS on January 6, 2020. To construct these data, UNHCR country teams and field staff report the location of any known displaced communities to ODSS. With the help of a team of Political Violence Lab research assistants, we manually validated and corrected refugee and IDP locations that were open during our study period from 1990–2018. Outside of this time span, we have not made corrections.

For access to the data, please visit the associated GitHub page.


1) Zhou, Yang-Yang and Andrew Shaver. (2021). Reexamining the Effect of Refugees on Civil Conflict: A Global Subnational Analysis. American Political Science Review, 1-22.